Rosabeth Moss Kanter, HBS: The Interplay of Structure and Behavior: How System Dynamics Can Explain and Change Outcomes by Gender or Social Category

The following are my notes from Kanter's keynote address at the HBS Gender & Work Conference , February 28, 2013. A video introduction was prepared for Kanter (a surprise) that involved a retrospective on her contributions, books, 1986 Tale of O, comments by Nitin Nohria [HBS Dean] speaking about the importance of her work, Herminia Ibarra praising Kanter's ability to conceptualize; come up with key points, common pattern, underlying idea that pulls it all together; Rakesh Khurana on her contributions to how can we create communities, groups, organizations that allow that feeling of connectedness, solidarity, and let individuals maintain their individuality, really cares about making society better; after video presentation, long hug with Ely near podium, “literally speechless”, unexpected honor of the video. Important provocative research and designs this morning; got a little depressed though; how we think about the research we do so tha...