Testimony on Sexual Harassment to the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women

The following are transcript notes from my testimony on April 16, 2013 . Hello, I'm Jennifer Berdahl. I've been a professor at the Rotman School of Management since 2001. I have been studying sexual harassment for over 20 years. I have several research papers on the topic, I have developed a theoretical framework for understanding it, and I have two review chapters in major volumes on organizational behaviour and industrial organizational psychology. My training is in social, organizational, industrial psychology from the University of Illinois, where I received my PhD. I have served as an expert witness on sexual harassment cases... I began studying sexual harassment in the early 1990s when it was still conceived largely as a problem of unwanted sexual behaviour and predation of men upon women in the workplace, and at the time this was on the heels of the Clarence Thomas Senate hearings and the Anita Hill controversy , when sexual harassment was largely conceived in this...