Action Research on the Masculinity Contest

Sauder School of Business Mascot, Wally the Bull Since asking whether Arvind Gupta lost the masculinity contest at UBC , many have weighed in to consider whether such a contest occurred in Gupta's case. No one has rejected the idea that such contests occur in leadership, however, and much of the fallout from this post has revealed how they do at UBC. In my post I gave general examples of masculinity contests and organizational cultures that support them, and I vaguely referred to “UBC leadership,” in order to avoid airing specific dirty laundry I’d witnessed in my first year at UBC. But others, some unwittingly, have rushed to provide examples and identify leadership. From a personal standpoint this has sometimes been troubling; from a research standpoint it has been fascinating. My post and its fallout have amounted to a form of action research, shedding light on how the masculinity contest plays out in others’ minds. Like a Rorschach test , reactions to the post were more diagnos...