The Women's March on Washington D.C.: Fighting for Democracy, Equality, Freedom, and Truth

Last weekend I flew with my two teenage daughters from Vancouver B.C. to Washington D.C. to participate in the Women's March on Washington. I expected large crowds and was a little nervous about the prospect of violence in a city brimming with Trump supporters there for his inauguration and Trump loathers there for the March. Despite voicing these concerns, my 16-year-old wouldn't hear of it: We were going. At 16 I moved from Oregon to Washington D.C. to be a Congressional Page. I was excited to return to the city with my daughter now the same age as I'd been, and to participate in the March, so we went. We woke at 6:30AM on March Day, too excited to miss a thing. With no coffee shop nearby, we skipped breakfast to taxi as close and quickly as possible to the site of the rally, arriving shortly after 7AM. We were within shouting distance of the stage, left of center, and the crowd quickly filled in around and behind us. Realizing we hadn't eaten and would be stuck there...