Kavanaugh: An attacker of women both legally and literally?

There are constitutional reasons to put on hold any consideration of a nominee to the Supreme Court by President Trump, and plenty of other grounds for denying Brett Kavanaugh the lifetime appointment. When a letter about a sexual assault that Kavanaugh had allegedly committed in high school was released last week, I personally thought it might be a poor last-ditch effort to impede his appointment. We knew nothing about the anonymous allegation. Perhaps all there was to it was a clumsy encounter with a clueless high school boy. Why undermine the #MeToo movement with this cynical move? Surely, of all the reasons not to move forward with the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh, this was not the most robust. Today the person alleging the sexual assault came forward with a credible bone-chilling story. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford , a professor at Palo Alto University, “decided that if her story is going to be told, she wants to be the one to tell it. ” What she described was not a clumsy...